Monday, May 25, 2009

Notes on bathrooms in New York & other places

Andrew says I have a bladder the size of a walnut. That's probably an exaggeration, but as a female, I try to know in advance where the bathrooms are. New York was a challenge and really honed my bathroom-finding skills: 1. THE WINNER: Starbuck's. Lots of them around - I could check my email, get a caffeine jump, and pee all in the same place - and I didn't have to pretend I was a customer to empty my bladder (you should have seen the line at the Starbuck's Empire State Building!).

2. Department stores. I like going into stores that have spas so I can rub elbows - at least temporarily - with the rich. In New York after entering the spa at Saks Fifth Avenue, I was pounced on by a woman who watched me like a hawk and stuck to me like a burr. Me: "Hi, I'm just killing time waiting for my husband but I want to take a look at your facial cleansers - and I also want to use your bathroom."

You really have to be authoritarian with people like that.

3. Restaurants: They all have bathrooms, but just try using one in a tourist town if you're not a customer. When I see signs that warn, "Restrooms are for customers only", I enter the restaurant pretending I'm looking for someone. Looking for that elusive someone, I scope things out with an eagle eye, cock my head, and head back towards the bathrooms. Works every time.

One bathroom in New York had lovely peonies in the washroom area. Nothing like peonies when you pee!


Gina said...

I only Pee in 2 places. Starbucks, & Mcdonalds. Clean, free, and good coffee in reach:)

Roberta said...

Ya, very true! ;)